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Trinity Trigger Will Release on PC, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch on September 15 in Japan


FuRyu has revealed its newest action RPG game Trinity Trigger. It's scheduled to release on September 15 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch in Japan.


Trinity Trigger takes place in a world named Triniti. Long ago, both gods of order and gods of chaos fought over the world. As the world crumbled, each god chose a warrior to fight for them and the winner would ultimately decide the world's fate. The game follows three characters: Cyan Erleus, Xantice Geldine, and Elise Quoyse. Cyan is the warrior chosen by the god of chaos while Xantice is the warrior chosen by the god of order. Elise set out on a journey to rescue Cyan.


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The game has spirit creatures called Triggers which can transform into weapons for summoners. So far, there are three of them named Flam, Viz, and Rai. The Triggers are also designed by Atsuko Nishida, Tomohiro Kitakaze, and Megumi Mizutani, who all worked as Pokemon illustrators.


During a battle, three characters can participate at a time, and there are eight weapon types available. The game will also support 3-player local multiplayer, but won't have any online capability.


There is a limited timed demo available through the PlayStation Store and Nintendo eShop until June 30. Currently, an English localization for Trinity Trigger hasn't been announced.



Source: RPGSite, Gematsu




George Yang is a freelance writer specializing in video games and pop culture. He has written for sites like IGN, GameSpot, Kotaku, The Verge, NPR, and Complex. You can follow him on Twitter @yinyangfooey


Source: Latest in Anime News by Crunchyroll!
