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The millennial force: changing the workplace and its culture

Source: - Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Dartboards, mini golf and ping pong — welcome to the office of the future Born between 1979 and 2000, millennials are rapidly redefining how everyone lives, plays and works. Concepts like the sharing economy have established new norms in how we commute (Uber and Grab) and how we live (Airbnb). At work, millennials are becoming increasingly influential and are on track to make up 75 per cent of the global workforce by 2025. The millennial perception For a long time, millennial working habits and traits have been a topic of much conversation and debate, mostly misunderstood for their different approach and style to working. Earlier generations have labelled them disloyal and entitled. In many workplaces, corporate culture is traditionally top-down and rigid, with mandated working hours, seating arrangements, and stipulated lunch breaks. According to a study by Intelligence Group, millennials aspire to be their own boss, enjoy flexible working arrangements, and value good work-life integration. They thrive as part of a wider community that has a shared purpose and value interactions with other like-minded individuals with whom they can have meaningful collaborations. Traditional office spaces are not set up to be conducive to this flexibility, and in fact, some are still designed to minimize or limit human interaction to the pantry and common areas in order to ‘enhance’ employee productivity during office hours. For employers, the

Source: Breaking News
