Upcoming TV anime ODDTAXI released a brand new trailer today, previewing the newly announced opening theme tune (aptly named) "ODDTAXI" by Skirt and PUNPEE. The main visual of the single, drawn by TV anime director Mugita Kinoshita, was also revealed, showing the duo being driven through Tokyo by the main character Odokawa.
"ODDTAXI" is a collaborative single by the one-man-band Skirt and PUNPEE, who feature on the jacket cover. The single is planned to be released digitally on April 7 just as the TV anime premieres.
Crunchyroll plans to stream ODDTAXI as it airs in Japan, describing it as such:
"So, where to?"
This town should look familiar, but suddenly, it's not.
The taxi driver Odokawa lives a very mundane life. He has no family, doesn't really hang out with others, and he's an oddball who is narrow-minded and doesn't talk much. The only people he can call his friends are his doctor, Gouriki and his classmate from high school, Kakibana.
All of his patrons seem to be slightly odd themselves. The college student who wants the world to notice him online, Kabasawa. A nurse with secrets named Shirakawa. A comedy duo that just can't catch a break named the Homosapiens. A local hoodlum named Dobu. An idol group that's just starting out named Mystery Kiss... All these mundane conversations somehow eventually lead to a girl who's gone missing.
Source: Comic Natalie
Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram.
Source: Latest in Anime News by Crunchyroll!
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