KADOKAWA announced today that an anime adaptation project based on Haruki Kuou's Liar Liar light novel series is now in the works. A 90-second special PV for the novel narrated by voice actress Akari Kito (Nezuko Kamado in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba ) is streamed on the publisher's official YouTube channel, and it says, "It's April Fool's Day, but it's not a lie." With illustrations by konomi , who also worked on the author's previous series Cross Connect , the school brain battle series has been published from KADOKAWA's MF Bunko J imprint since April 2019, and its latest seventh volume was released on March 25, 2021. According to its official website, the novel series has printed 150,000 copies so far. 嘘の日だけど、嘘じゃない。 #ライアー・ライアー https://t.co/w1xjGDRaNv pic.twitter.com/TN0GPFPgMi — 『ライアー・ライアー』公式@第7巻3/25発売! (@liar2_official) April 1, 2021 Synopsis: "Academy" is a school island ...