Before its opening at Shinagawa Prince Hotel Stellar Ball in Tokyo on January 31, a final dress rehearsal for "Real Fighting 'Hajime no Ippo' The Glorious Stage!!," the first stage play adaptation of George Morikawa's long-running boxing manga Hajime no Ippo , was revealed to Japanese net news media. Then their video reports to introduce the play's main cast in costume and their iconic boxing moves, including the protagonist Ippo Makunouchi's Dempsey Roll, have been posted on YouTube. 21-year-old Kyoji Goto , who is cast as Ippo, has experience of shoot boxing, a combat sport created by former kickboxer Caesar Takeshi. As the manga's 30th anniversary project, the stage play will be performed from January 31 to February 9, 2020. 44-year-old Kohei Kiyasu , who voiced the protagonist Ippo Makunouchi in the anime series from 2000 to 2014, is attached to write and direct. via: Cinema Today: via: Mini Theater Tsushi...