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Netflix Releases Extended Trailer for Castlevania's Final Season


Following the teaser trailer and key art reveal earlier this month, Netflix has released a new extended trailer for the fourth and final season of Castlevania. The trailer showcases vastly improved animation compared to earlier seasons as well as the first appearance of the main antagonist of the saga Vlad Tepes, otherwise known as Dracula. Netflix describes the final season below:



Wallachia collapses into chaos as factions clash: some attempting to take control, others attempting to bring Dracula back from the dead. Nobody is who they seem, and nobody can be trusted. These are the end times.


Netflix has also expressed an interest in continuing Castlevania beyond the current series with a focus on different characters in the same universe, as the current series is adapted from multiple Castlevania games, with seasons one and two based on Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse, season 3 on a combination of  Castlevania:Symphony of the Night and Castlevania: Curse of Darkness. The final season is a further combination of additional elements from the franchise.


SOURCE: Netflix PR



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