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JRA Announces New Anime Neko Jockey, About a Cat Who Is a Jockey

Neko Jockey


The Japan Racing Association has, let's say, a history of crazy anime collaborations. Next month, though, they're jumping into the world of anime themselves with Neko Jockey, a 4-episode series about... well, the title says it all.


The series is being described as a "healing(?) anime" (question mark theirs) that will show you what it's like to walk on four legs twice at the same time.


Neko Jockey: Manager


The star horse of Neko Jockey is Mannen Billy, a prize racer who has lost 30 races in a row despite having an excellent physique and bloodline. To solve the problem, the horse's owner hires a brand new jockey... who, as far as Mannen Billy's trainer can see, is just a normal cat.


Check out the trailer:



Joining the cast will be Akio Ohtsuka (All For One in My Hero Academia) as Umamushi, the eccentric Owner:


Akio Ohtsuka as the Owner


Stage actor Satoshi Asakawa as Mannen Billy's put-upon Trainer:


Satoshi Asakawa as the Trainer


Tomohiro Ōno (Ryūji Ishii in Talentless Nana) as rival jockey Umao Umanori:


Tomohiro Ono as Umao Umanori


And stage actor Masayuki Yuasa as the Neko Jockey:


Masayuki Yuasa as Neko Jockey


Technically Neko Jockey isn't JRA's first foray into anime production. The racing association previously collaborated on a special episode of Mr. Osomatsu, and late last year worked with Aniplex and Lay-duce on a stand-alone OP for a "virtual" anime. This will, however, be their first fully-original, multi-episode endeavor.


Neko Jockey begins its four-episode run May 6 on TV Asahi,and will also be availableon GYAO!, YouTube, and select other channels.


Source: Anime! Anime!


Kara Dennison @RubyCosmos


Source: Latest in Anime News by Crunchyroll!
