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The difference between good cholesterol and bad

The difference between good cholesterol and bad


Cholesterol is a waxy fatty substance ,it can soluble in fat and insoluble in water and he is naturally present in the brain and nerves, liver, and blood and bile
There are two types of cholesterol
HDL good cholestrol  high-density lipoprotein 
 LDL  bad cholesterol low-density lipoprotein 
The beneficial cholesterol carries away from the tissue and crashing in the liver, while bad cholesterol went to the body's tissues and blood circulation

If there is not enough good cholesterol can then be cholesterol plaques stick to the walls of arteries and can cause hardening of the arteries and heart disease and strokes, and blood clots.
And maintain high levels of good cholesterol provides protection against cancer.
Food system plays a key role in determining the level of good cholesterol and bad.

Food system which rich with fatty fish and soybeans, oats and pulses, nuts especially almonds and olive oil and avocados helps to lower bad cholesterol .

Factors that help to increase the level of cholesterol
⚫️ Diabetes 
⚫️ Genetics
⚫️ Erroneous lifestyles, such as smoking and lack of physical activity and excess weight and diet rich in fat 
