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Get Bullied Awake Every Morning with Miss Nagatoro Alarm App

Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro Alarm App


Wish you could wake up to the relentless mocking of Hayase Nagatoro? Sure, we all do! And there's a new app for that exact need.


The new Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro alarm mobile app comes from MOBCAST Games, and offers fans a customizable wake-up experience. Voice actress Sumire Uesaka has recorded 70 brand new voice lines for Nagatoro, which you can mix and match to create your perfect morning greeting. Plus, there's an extra voice pack available that adds 30 more lines to the library.


Here's a bit of what it might sound like:





The app is available now in Japan for iOS and Android. To celebrate the app's release, MOBCAST Games is running a Twitter campaign. Three followers and retweeters will win a sketch of Nagatoro and an autograph from Sumire Uesaka!


Source: MoCa-News


Kara Dennison @RubyCosmos


Watch new episodes of Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro every week on Crunchyroll!

Source: Latest in Anime News by Crunchyroll!
