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FEATURE: 6 Great Anime Kids You Can't Help But Love



Back in 2018, I wrote an article about ten of the best kids anime has to offer. Those kids are still some of my favorites. In particular, Renge has finished one of the best character arcs in any anime, showing her journey from being the learner to slowly becoming the teacher, and Konohamaru has proven to be a mature and reliable adult in BORUTO. However, as more new anime come out, I continue to find extremely well-written and likable kids in anime all the time, so I thought now would be as good a time as any to talk about five more of the best children in anime.


Mob (Mob Psycho 100)


Mob Psycho 100


In One-Punch Man, creator ONE showed us what it might be like to be an adult who has too much power and achieved their dreams; without goals, things might just be boring. In Mob Psycho 100, power is shown to have another potential issue — what if what you want can't be achieved through talent and power? That's the dilemma the titular character Mob is in. Mob has extremely potent magical abilities, but that doesn't seem to help him get what he wants most: friendship and acceptance. Between the battles and mysteries, Mob's story is one of a lonely kid who is just trying to better himself in more mundane ways and form lasting friendships. It's genuinely compelling and is helped a ton by Mob himself being a lovable little dork that you just can't help but want to root for.


March (To Your Eternity)


To Your Eternity



March is a tragic case. Though just a child, she has been chosen by her village to be a sacrifice to a being they worship called the "Spirit Bear." Perhaps too young to truly understand what it means to die, March is still reflective and brave in her own way, showing a more naive perspective on the meaning of life. Still, she embraces the chances she has to support those around her, showing particular maturity around her friend Parona and caring for Fushi as its "mother." To Your Eternity is a melancholy reflection on what it means to live, and though young, March's innocence, caring nature, and bravery are important aspects of life that we can all benefit from imitating.


Eri (My Hero Academia)


My Hero Academia


A young girl with a powerful but dangerous Quirk, Eri has one of the most emotionally intense arcs in My Hero Academia. Her ability allows her to reverse the state of any person she touches, which causes her initial problems as she accidentally reversed her own father out of existence. This set off a chain of events that eventually led to her blood being harvested to create the Quirk-Destroying Drug used by Overhaul. Between an uncaring mother and the abuse she suffered under Overhaul, Eri has every reason to resent her life, but My Hero Academia is a story where everyone has a place, and Eri represents that perfectly. With the help of Deku and Lemillion, she eventually realizes the potential her talents have for good and her life begins anew with a bright outlook for the future.


Lily Hoshikawa (ZOMBIE LAND SAGA)




Lily is the youngest member of the idol group Franchouchou, and like all of Franchouchou's members, she is a zombie. In her former life, she was a successful child actress. Befitting such a demanding job, Lily is actually one of the most mature characters in the story, jumping headfirst into each job they are assigned and wanting to put on a good show for her fans. She is also shown to be adaptable to almost any situation, using her many talents as an entertainer to keep the show on when things aren't going as planned. Her work ethic and positive attitude bring positive energy to every scene she is in, so it's not surprising that she is one of ZOMBIE LAND SAGA’s most popular characters.


Gabi Braun (Attack on Titan)


Attack on Titan


Fighting on the side of the Marleyans, Attack on Titan’s Gabi is a headstrong girl who will do anything to help her friends and family and, hopefully, earn her freedom. In a lot of ways, she is very much like Eren himself, acting as a reflection of Eren's ambitions and dreams but on the "other side," showing that people all over are fighting for salvation in their own ways. Over the course of the series, Eren's actions grew more and more intense, to the point that he may have lost sight of his original goal. Gabi is following a similar trajectory to Eren, but unlike him, she has met people on the "other side" much earlier in life. How she handles this and makes different decisions from Eren may just show the benefit in empathy and understanding that Eren lost sight of.


Kawaki (BORUTO)




The subject of BORUTO's most recent arc, Kawaki is a troubled kid who has been mistreated for most of his life, leading him to be understandably skeptical when others show kindness. Between his abusive father and the shadowy organization Kara, Kawaki hasn't had much reason to trust adults. This is slowly changing as Kawaki spends time with what has essentially become his adoptive family after being taken in by the Uzumakis. While tough, Naruto and Boruto are making slow headway into cracking Kawaki's shell. What makes him really special, though, is the ways in which he is helping Naruto and Boruto's relationship. Naruto is starting to be there more for his family, and Boruto is finally seeing a more outwardly caring side of his dad. It will be interesting to see how Kawaki's relationship with them develops in the future, but he's already one of the most interesting characters BORUTO has introduced.


And that's it — six more complex, interesting, and lovable kids from anime. One of the best things about anime is the huge variety of stories you can find, and the variation in these kids' tales is proof that there is really something for everyone. No matter your age, there is something to be learned from every character here!


Who is your favorite kid in anime? Let us know in the comments below!




David Lynn can be found obsessing over Fate/Grand Order on Twitter @navycherub.


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