A new trailer for the upcoming BURN THE WITCH anime adaptation from Studio Colorido and Team Yamahitsuji was unleashed on the world on September 14, previewing the theme song for the anime "Blowing" by NiL. Alongside that, new information on the Blu-ray release was also announced.
????『BURN THE WITCH』新情報解禁????
— スタジオコロリド (@studiocolorido) September 14, 2020
▼第2弾PVはコチラhttps://t.co/zLDhsyFkF7#Burn_The_Witch pic.twitter.com/eRawci08hH
The Blu-ray Collector’s Edition for BURN THE WITCH will be released through the A-on Store for 10,000 yen (US$95) on December 24 in Japan, complete with a cover drawn by manga creator Tite Kubo and a digipack cover drawn by anime character designer Natsuki Yamada. The collection will have the theatrical version of the anime on it, as well as 5 minutes of bonus footage and a second disc with 62 minutes of material. Five illustration cards by Kubo will also be in the collector's edition.
Box cover by Tite Kubo:
Digipack cover by Natsuki Yamada:
Special illustration cards by Tite Kubo:
The Blu-ray will have a pre-release at theaters where BURN THE WITCH is being played on October 2. BURN THE WITCH will be coming to Crunchyroll on the same day and describes the anime as such:
Historically 72% of all the deaths in London are related to dragons, fantastical beings invisible to the majority of the people.
While unknown to most, some people have been standing up to these dragons.
Only inhabitants of Reverse London who live in the hidden “reverse” side of London can see the dragons. Even then, only a selected few become qualified enough as witches or wizards to make direct contact with them.
The protagonists of the story are witch duo Noel Niihashi and Ninny Spangcole. They are protection agents for Wing Bind (WB), an organization for dragon conservation and management. Their mission is to protect and manage the dragons within London on behalf of the people.
Sources: BURN THE WITCH on Twitter, BURN THE WITCH Website
Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram.
Source: Latest in Anime News by Crunchyroll!
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