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POLL: What Is Your Favorite Happy One Piece Moment?



One Piece is full of many joyous moments, moments that make you laugh and clap and wonder what we did to deserve a series that's this dang good. But which one is your favorite? No, I'm legitimately asking that. And because I'd prefer that people don't yell "I LIKE IT WHEN LUFFY DOES NICE THINGS FOR PEOPLE!" out of the windows of their cars at me, I decided to make a poll. Listed below are some of the happiest moments that One Piece has to offer, and after a week goes by (on April 3), I'll look at the moments that got the most votes.


straw hats


So vote away, and make sure to rewatch some of these wonderful scenes on Crunchyroll!





Are there any happy moments that you love that didn't make the list? Does watching One Piece make you happy? Let me know in the comments!





Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!


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Source: Latest in Anime News by Crunchyroll!
