The official YouTube channel dedicated to Toei's tokusatsu series, "Toei Tokusatsu YouTube Official" will start streaming an original spin-off short anime titled "Mashin Mukashi Banashi Gekijyou" (Mashin Old Tale Theater) from the ongoing 44th Super Sentai series Mashin Sentai Kiramager for free from 10:00 am on June 7 (JST).
The short anime focuses on Mashin, who have been active as Kiramager's partners in the TV show. They are drawn in a deformed anime style in the world inspired by Japanese folklore. The show's official website writes it is "full of playfulness that can be enjoyed by the whole family, including children."
Its first episode is based on "Momotaro" (Peach Boy). Voice actor Kenichi Suzumura, who has been voicing Mashin Fire in the show, serves as the narrator. In the episode, not only Mashin Fire, but also other Mashins appear, and all of the characters are played by Suzumura alone. He is best known as the voice of Shinn Asuka in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny, Atsushi Murasakibara in Kuroko's Basketball, Masato Hijirikawa in Uta no Prince-sama, and Yang Wenli in The Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These.
ショートアニメ「 #ましんむかしばなし劇場 」人気声優の鈴村健一さんを語り手に迎えてお届けする「ももたろう」東映特撮YouTube Official( #TTYO )での配信をお楽しみに????✨#nitiasa #キラメイジャー#かわいいぞ
— スーパー戦隊オフィシャル (@sentai_official) June 6, 2020
"Mashin Sentai Kiramager" key visual:
Kenichi Suzumura:
Source: Toei news release
©2020 TV Asahi, Toei AG, Toei
Source: Latest in Anime News by Crunchyroll!
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