This week’s issue of Weekly Shonen Champion marks 15 years since long-biking manga series Yowamushi Pedal began its publishing race. To celebrate the occasion, creator Wataru Watanabe drew an illustration of the main characters bursting out of the center with Sakamichi Onoda ahead of the pack.
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Yowamushi Pedal began its serialization in Weekly Shonen Champion on February 21, 2008, with 82 volumes of the chapters currently collected as of February 2, 2023. The series has spawned five TV anime adaptations, five anime films and compilations and one live-action TV anime and film. The latest TV anime, Yowamushi Pedal LIMIT BREAK, is streaming on Crunchyroll as it airs this current anime season, describing the series as such:
With the team's combined strength, the Sohoku High bicycle racing club beat reigning champions Hakone Academy at the Interhigh national race and achieved an impressive overall victory. Now that their hot summer has ended and third-years Kinjou, Makishima, and Tadokoro have retired from the team, first-year participants in the Interhigh Onoda Sakamichi, Imaizumi Shunsuke, and Naruko Shoukichi, along with their new captain second-year Teshima Junta and vice-captain Aoyagi Hajime begin preparing as a "new team" for their second consecutive championship at the next Interhigh.
Source: Mantan Web
Daryl Harding is a Senior Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram.
Source: Latest in Anime News by Crunchyroll!
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