The TV anime adaptation of Yuji Kaku's Hell's Paradise manga lands on screens this April and in the lead-up to the release, a new trailer for the Kaori Makita-directed series was released today revealing an April 1 premiere and previewing the opening theme song to the supernatural TV anime.
As heard in the trailer above, the opening theme song for the Hell's Paradise TV anime will be "WORK" by Ringo Sheena and millennium parade.
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The original manga by Yuji Kaku was released on Shueisha’s Jump+ website and app from 2018 to 2021 with the series collected into 13 manga volumes. VIZ Media and Manga Plus released the English translation of the series under the name Hell’s Paradise: Jigokuraku.
Hell’s Paradise TV anime premieres in Japan on April 1 at 11 PM with Crunchyroll is set to stream the as it airs in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Australia and New Zealand with Netflix streaming the series in the rest of APAC other than Japan and China. Crunchyroll describes the series as such:
The Edo period is nearing its end. Gabimaru, a shinobi formerly known as the strongest in Iwagakure who is now a death row convict, is told that he will be acquitted and set free if he can bring back the Elixir of Life from an island that is rumored to be the Buddhist pure land Sukhavati. In hopes of reuniting with his beloved wife, Gabimaru heads to the island along with the executioner Yamada Asaemon Sagiri. Upon arriving there, they encounter other death row convicts in search of the Elixir of Life... as well as a host of unknown creatures, eerie manmade statues, and the hermits who rule the island. Can Gabimaru find the Elixir of Life on this mysterious island and make it back home alive?
Source: Press Release
Daryl Harding is a Senior Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram.
Source: Latest in Anime News by Crunchyroll!
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