As part of its fifth anniversary project, the Kiratto Pri☆chan anime franchise will hold a special virtual concert, entitled "Minna no Iine de Nanika ga Umareru ( Something will happen with everyone's likes )!? Kirrato Virtual Live!" on the live-streaming service Z-aN on March 26. RELATED : Kiratto Pri☆chan Thanks Fans with Special Clip Filled with Famous Scenes As the fifth installments in the Pretty Series following Pripara/ Idol Time Pripara , Kiratto Pri☆chan was aired for 153 episodes from April 2018 and May 2021. With its comical story line and the highest level of CG stages in the series, the anime was highly popular in Japan for three long years. The virtual live concert will feature the TV anime's original sequel story newly written by series composition writer Kazuho Hyodo . He writes on Twitter, "Virtual...? Don't underestimate it just because it's not a real live show! Streaming, virtual are the essence of Prichan! Th...