A live-action TV drama adaptation of Junta Shima's romantic comedy manga Murai no Koi / Murai in Love is set to be aired on TBS's newly-launched midnight programming block "Dreama Stream" from April 5, 2022. The manga has been serialized in Gene LINE, which was launched by KADOKAWA as a project for manga serialization exclusively on LINE's digital comic service LINE Manga, and so far six tankobon volumes have been released in Japan. The story tells a romantic comedy between Tanaka, a high school teacher who loves otome games, and Murai, a high school boy who is in love with Tanaka. Tanaka, who has never been involved in a real-life romance, is confessed to by Murai but rejects his confession. On the next day, Murai transforms himself into the exact likeness of Tanaka's favorite character from her favorite otome game. 20-year-old Hikaru Takahashi, who is also cast as the main heroine Totoko in the forthcoming live-action film adaptation of Mr. ...