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Toei's Kid-Oriented YouTube Channel ToAni Park Now Open

Butt Detective, now playing on Toani Park


Hey, kids, it's Toei Time!


Toei Animation has just launched ToAni Park, a YouTube channel made for preschoolers and school-aged kids. The channel is intended to be, as its "park" theming suggests, a place where everyone can go and enjoy themselves.


ToAni Park logo


Over time, ToAni Park will be adding a variety of anime and original YouTube content for young viewers. To kick things off, though, they're turning to your friend and mine, Butt Detective. International viewers can watch the trailer for the upcoming Shiriarty film, as well as an "Understanding Butt Detective in 3 Minutes" compilation:




RELATED: Butt Detective Meets His Match in Eiga Oshiri Tantei Shiriarty Anime Film


Viewers in Japan also have access to the first episode of the series. There's no word yet on how international licensing will pan out in ToAni Park's future; but for now, it looks like viewers outside Japan can see at least some of what's going on.


Source: Comic Natalie



Kara Dennison is the book reviewer for Sci-Fi Magazine and a regular features writer for Otaku USA Magazine. Follow her on Twitter @RubyCosmos, and read more at

Source: Latest in Anime News by Crunchyroll!
