Anime Film Adaptations of Yomoji Otono's Two Sci-fi Romance Novels Release Teaser Trailers Starting with Same Narration
The official websites for the forthcoming two anime film adaptations of Yomoji Otono's sci-fi romance novels, Boku ga Aihsita Subete no Kimi he ( To all of you that I loved ) and Kimi wo Aishita Hitori no Boku he ( To the only one who loved you, me ), have posted 30-second teaser trailers starting with the same narration, "From the moment we are born, we make countless choices in our lives." "Boku ga Aihsita Subete no Kimi he" teaser trailer: Message from director Jun Matumoto: Koyomi Takasaki and Koyomi Hidaka, the same and different people, different and the same. I wonder which one of them is the happiest. It is surprising to see how one person can live a life so different from the other, even with one different choice. Is this only a science fiction story, or could it happen in the real world? But I believe that the two Koyomi lived happy lives, even though the process was extremely different. I wonder what the ...