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Virtual Crunchyroll Expo TIPS: How to Make the Most of the Weekend

Virtual Crunchyroll Expo 2020


Crunchyroll recently revealed the full show schedule for Virtual Crunchyroll Expo 2020, which will light up the Internet with a packed lineup over the September 4-6 weekend. Definitely check it out and plan accordingly if you haven’t already! With so much going on over the course of just a few days—some of which is scheduled concurrently—you might be wondering how you’ll be able to experience it all without some serious screen management. 


Thankfully, we have no shortage of experts involved in the event itself to turn to for some much-needed insider tips. If you find yourself torn between two panels, or trying to figure out when you could possibly fit in a solid hour of chill time at Yuzu’s Cat Café, consider this your strategy guide! 



Getting the Most Out of V-CRX


Throughout Virtual Crunchyroll Expo, everything from fan panels to special industry guests, and even concerts, will be available across four different stages: Crunchyroll Stage, Hime Stage, Yuzu Stage, and Sudachi Stage. And that’s just the Theater District! What are you, made of eyeballs? No worries, because V-CRX On Demand is here to save the day. Learn more about V-CRX On Demand and other insider tips to get the most out of the weekend, straight from the pros. 


Mary Franklin, Head of Events


At first glance, it might seem daunting that Virtual Crunchyroll Expo has four concurrent livestreams. To help you avoid missing amazing contente we created V-CRX On Demand. Once the show starts, fans can enter V-CRX On Demand through a portal in the Theater District. We’ll open the show with some content already pre-loaded there, then throughout the weekend content will be added after it has played in the streams. Almost all the weekend’s content will be available in V-CRX On Demand. Insider’s Tip: V-CRX On Demand runs 24 hours per day, from 10:00 am Pacific Friday, September 4 until 10:00 am Pacific Monday, September 7.


While our headline guests and great programming deserve a lot of attention, don’t forget that Virtual Crunchyroll Expo has four districts to explore. One that’s worth extra time is the New Crunchy City Anime Arts District, with a curated selection of anime artists from a number of countries, many of whom ship anywhere. The Super Arcade District features exclusive galleries created just for V-CRX, plus free show giveaways, cosplay backgrounds, and a real live (virtual) kitten adoption café, Yuzu’s Cat Café.


Adam Sheehan, Director of Events


With so much programming, I recommend everyone look over the schedule in advance to determine what panels to watch as they premiere, as well as any conflicting panels to note for watching when it is added to V-CRX On Demand later that day. Oh, and don't miss watching Crunchyroll-Hime's Cosplay Cup live on Saturday night! Outside of that, I would encourage everyone to explore around the Virtual Crunchyroll Expo site to see everything there is to offer over the weekend. I'm betting they will find a surprise or two by doing this.


Stacy Burt, Senior Marketing Manager


Plan ahead! With so much to see right out of the gate on September 4, you'll want to make sure you're ready to fully enjoy the weekend. This means registering ahead of time and activating your badge before the convention starts (this will allow you to take part in activities like the Onyx Equinox scavenger hunt), planning your streaming schedule (and making room for breaks — I recommend some time in one of our Quiet Rooms for a moment of anime zen), and making a list of artists and exhibitors you want to check back on for show specials.


Lauren Stevens, Events Manager


The biggest key is probably planning ahead and checking out the website now. Just like your first time at a new convention, it’s helpful to get the lay of the land, and figure out where the panels, exhibitors, and artists are located. The schedule is packed and instead of long lines waiting for food, I can plan my con menu early, so I don’t miss a beat. Super Arcade is like the home to all extras, and who doesn’t love more stuff at an anime con? I can’t wait to see it all live.


Ricky Resurreccion, Crunchyroll Expo Events Director


The amount of V-CRX content and features can be overwhelming. Like being in a theme park for the first time, the best first step is to plan ahead. Once you have familiarized yourself with the schedule, have made plans for which activities and the panels you want to attend, be a power V-CRX attendee by accessing certain items directly. We have provided multiple areas in the site where fans can access direct links to specific activities: Use any of the four buttons of our STAGES to access a panel directly.  Want to watch panels you missed? We have provided two direct access points to the V-CRX On Demand area on the homepage and the site navigation bar. Need to check the schedule? Easy! We have a button in the middle of the homepage or a section in the nav bar for that.   


Here's another cool tip—Make the companion app work for you. Once the app is released before the show, mark your favorite panel or the artists and exhibitors you wish to check out to your "FAVORITES." This will make it easier to revisit or re-access them!



Enjoying the Unexpected


All the planning in the world can’t keep you from missing out on something you didn’t even know you wanted in the first place. Virtual Crunchyroll Expo is a 24-hour experience—and on top of the Theater District there’s the Anime Arts District, Central Shopping District, and Super Arcade to visit—so there’s bound to be something that flies under the radar over the weekend. With that in mind, we turned to our insiders for some advice on catching those hidden gems you might have otherwise missed. 


Mary Franklin, Head of Events


There’s so much programming it’s easy to miss hidden gems. One of my personal favorites is a panel from Okitsugu Kado, who practices and teaches the traditional, ancient Japanese art of Mukimono, carving vegetables into decorative characters, dishes, and décor for the dining table. You’ll find Oki-san’s panel on the Yuzu Stage Friday, and then in the V-CRX On Demand section of the show after that.


Another exclusive V-CRX feature that I’m eager to spend more time with on the show weekend is the V-CRX Gallery Tour Featuring MAPPA. With artwork from series like ZOMBIE LAND SAGA and The God of High School, as well as audio commentary from creators, this will be worth a much closer study than I’ve been able to give it so far!


Adam Sheehan, Director of Events


As I mentioned with encouraging exploring around the V-CRX website, there is a lot to enjoy.  I know fans are missing all that free schwag they would get at the Crunchyroll booth and other booths at cons so I would say they should be sure to check out the Virtual Schwag area in the Super Arcade district on the site to help alleviate the need for free stuff!


Stacy Burt, Senior Marketing Manager


For any K-pop fans out there, you won't want to miss the panel "K-pop and Anime: When Two Worlds Collide” on Friday, September 4 at 6:00pm PT on the Crunchyroll Stage. I can't give too much away, but there will be a few familiar faces making special appearances. 

For fellow artist alley patreons, the Anime Arts District is a must. Artists from around the world have been setting up their virtual booths (many you can check out now) and will be unveiling show specials during V-CRX. Remember to give artists you shop some love on social! 


Lauren Stevens, Events Manager


There’s definitely a lot going on at V-CRX, so it is a good thing it is three days! I’d make sure to check out the Super Arcade between panels. Between the galleries, Quiet Rooms, and Yuzu’s Cat Café, there’s a lot more stuff than just the ‘standard show floor.’ I’ve also been eagerly waiting to try out the Onyx Equinox Scavenger Hunt. Get the V-CRX app ready once it’s live before the show, then find all those codes!


Ricky Resurreccion, Crunchyroll Expo Events Director


While the main action happens on the main V-CRX website, play around with some of the cool functionalities of our V-CRX app (coming soon!). Aside from the Onyx Equinox Scavenger Hunt, another awesome app feature is the Crunchy Cam. It's essentially a selfie feature where users choose V-CRX stickers to apply on their photo. I like to keep memorabilia from cons I attend and this is a neat little feature that also serves as a nice souvenir from your V-CRX weekend.


Locking in the Fun


Beyond these tips, the only major thing to keep in mind is that you need to register! Doing so is totally free, so sign up on the official Virtual Crunchyroll Expo 2020 website today and start planning your jam-packed September 4-6 weekend. 


Source: Latest in Anime News by Crunchyroll!
