Source: - Saturday, September 28, 2019
Scott R. Galvin-USA TODAY Sports The current contract was set to conclude in May of 2020 According to the NFL, the league has agreed to a new seven-year collective bargaining agreement with the NFL Referees Association (NFLRA). The deal was announced on Saturday but was agreed upon last week. Troy Vincent, the NFL Executive Vice President of Football Operations stated: “This agreement solidifies the working partnership between the league and officials toward the common goal of developing and training the best officials in the world. We will continue working together to provide fans, players and coaches with officiating performance that meets the highest standards demanded by the game.” The current contract still was active and wasn’t going to expire until next spring, but the league wanted to get a fresh deal done this year just like the NFL is attempting to get a new player’s CBA completed before it expires, also in 2020. The new NFLRA deal was ratified by a vote of their membership and given a unanimous vote of approval via their board of directors. The NFLRA handles all compensation, training, and benefits for all of the league’s officials. The NFLRA’s Executive Director, Scott Green, echoed these comments: “It was a mutual and cooperative effort that took over a year and a half, and the outcome is seven years of certainty for the league and our officials. We appreciate Troy Vincent and his staff for recognizing that working
Source: Breaking News

Source: Breaking News
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