Four additional cast members have been revealed for Uramichi Oniisan, an upcoming TV anime based on the dark comedy manga by Gaku Kuze about a pessimistic and emotionally unstable young man who works as a P.E. instructor for a popular children's TV show. The new cast members include:
- Kenjiro Tsuda as Amon
- Yōko Hikasa as Mabui Taga.
- Sayuri Sadaoka as Sayuri.
- And Hōchū Ōtsuka as the Voice of God.
The Uramichi Oniisan manga is serialized in Ichijinsha's comic POOL digital magazine, and an English language version is also published by Kodansha Comics under the title Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan. Kodansha Comics describes the story of the series as follows:
How did the cynical Uramichi end up hosting a TV show for small children? And how long is the studio going to let him keep teaching the kids the sorrow and exhaustion of life instead of, say, the ABCs?
The Uramichi Oniisan TV anime is directed by Nobuyoshi Nagayama and features animation production by Studio Blanc.. The series is scheduled to broadcast in Japan beginning in July of 2021.
Source: Ota-suke
Copyright notice: © Gaku Kuze・Ichijinsha / "Uramichi Oniisan" Production Committee
Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time
Source: Latest in Anime News by Crunchyroll!
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