In true Kyoto Animation spirit, the wonderfully wholesome anime studio posted an adorable New Year's greeting on their Twitter account featuring the studio's mascot Baja, and Baja's ducky friend Ga-chan. The message was posted in both English and Japanese, with the Japanese message also thanking fans for their support over the last year. Other anime series in the Kyoani portfolio also released their own messages, which we've collected for you! Happy New Year 2021 Wishing this year will be happy and wonderful for you. All the staff of Kyoto Animation — 京都アニメーション (@kyoani) December 31, 2020 The message reads: "Happy New Year 2021 Wishing this year will be happy and wonderful for you. All the staff of Kyoto Animation" Other Kyoto Animation series posted their own special New Year's messages: あけましておめでとうございます???????? 今年も「響け!ユーフォニアム」シリーズをどうぞよろしくお願いします????