Source: - Wednesday, October 31, 2018
(U.S. State Dept. Photo) We know every vote counts, but will your vote actually be counted? Or will it be hacked? I’ve spent the last several months reporting on election hacking for my podcast Breach , and I’ve learned a lot: Mostly that vote “hacking” is a much broader problem than people realize. While lots of attention has been paid to the hacking of electronic voting machines themselves, elections can be hacked months before, or months after, voting day. Here’s a look at the entire life cycle of your vote, and all the places it can be hacked along the way: Step 1: Deciding to vote The voting process begins when people decide to vote (or, they don’t), and register. The enemies of democracy spend a lot of time trying to convince citizens that their vote doesn’t count, that people shouldn’t even bother going to the polls. Encouraging apathy is actually step one. How does that happen? Through disinformation campaigns — state-sponsored trolling — that are nudged along unwittingly by people who fall for the trick MORE FROM BOB SULLIVAN Breach podcast: Step 2, election hacking — voter registration The six ways your vote might be hacked during the 2018 midterm election Special new episode of the Breach podcast: Will the 2018 midterms be hacked? “Academics will make the distinction that disinformation is false information that’s knowingly spread,” said Nick Monaco, a D.C.-based researcher and expert in worldwide trolling campaigns.
Source: Breaking News

Source: Breaking News
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