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Rod Rosenstein knocks James Comey, snaps at critics on Twitter after a Justice Department watchdog accuses Comey of breaking FBI protocol

Source: - Thursday, August 29, 2019
Former deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein shared a Justice Department letter stressing the importance of adhering to "established policies and procedures," in an apparent rebuke of former FBI director James Comey, following a recent report concluding that Comey had violated protocol. On Thursday, the Justice Department's inspector general released a report finding Comey had violated departmental policies by sharing copies of memos on his conversations with President Donald Trump, after he left the FBI. Rosenstein, who resigned from the Justice Department in May, tweeted a link on Thursday to a 2018 Justice Department letter saying, "It is important ... to follow established policies and procedures." Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories . Former deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein shared a year-old Justice Department letter stressing the importance of adhering to "established policies and procedures," in an apparent rebuke of former FBI director James Comey, following a recent report concluding that Comey had violated protocol. On Thursday, the Justice Department's inspector general released an 83-page report that said Comey violated departmental policies by sharing copies of memos on his conversations with President Donald Trump after he left the FBI. Comey shared one of the unclassified memos with a friend, Columbia University law professor Daniel Richman, who leaked it to The New York Times. The Justice De

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