Game Informer's Ben Hanson, Kyle Hilliard, Joe Juba, and Suriel Vazquez break down Hideo Kojima's new trailer for Death Stranding on the PlayStation 4. Then Andy McNamara and Dan Tack join the show to talk about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and reminisce about Blizzard history by talking about World of WarCraft Classic. Also, Matt Miller and Kyle Hilliard talk about playing the irreverent games Void Bastards and Trover Saves the Universe from Justin Roiland. After some strange community emails, Kyle interviews the co-creator or Rick and Morty, Justin Roiland, about what it took to create Trover Saves the Universe.
You can watch the video above, subscribe and listen to the audio on iTunes or Google Play, listen on SoundCloud, stream it on Spotify, or download the MP3 by clicking here. Also, be sure to send your questions to podcast@gameinformer.com for a chance to have them answered on the show.
Our thanks to the talented Super Marcato Bros. for The Game Informer Show's intro song. You can hear more of their original tunes and awesome video game music podcast at their website.
To jump to a particular point in the discussion, check out the time stamps below.
2:35 - Dreams review
4:40 - Death Stranding
37:28 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
56:00 - Interviewing Blizzard's president J. Allen Brack
1:06:40 - World of WarCraft Classic
1:21:45 - Void Bastards
1:30:55 - Trover Saves the Universe
1:42:20 - Pokémon Home, Sleep, and Masters
1:49:50 - Community emails
2:38:15 - Justin Roiland Trover Saves the Universe interview
Source: Game Informer
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