The official website for the Detective Conan anime franchise's forthcoming 26th feature film Detective Conan: Kurogane no Submarine released a main poster visual featuring 20 characters today. This is the first of its kind in the film series, a special version consisting of a pair of posters. RELATED : Actor Ikki Sawamura Makes A Guest Voice Appearance in Detective Conan 26th Feature Film The Conan SIDE brings together the detective, FBI, and police teams, while the Black SIDE depicts the members of the Black Organization. The tagline for the Conan SIDE is: "A secret memory that emerges. The desire to protect to the end assembles," while that for the Black SIDE is: "When the sinking truth is exposed, the black shadows gather." And the single version that combines both visuals has the tagline: "The desperate ocean battle royal mystery finally begins--." \\????史上初!2枚で1つ☝????// 本ポスタービジュアル解禁 ◢◤コナン?????????????...