Source: - Tuesday, April 30, 2019
I’ve always found snooker to be one of the sports – and it is a sport, don’t @ me – best suited to video game adaptation. The logistics of having a full size table mean that a digital version is so more convenient and the individual nature of the sport means that it transfers really well. Way back on the Amiga, Jimmy White’s Whirlwind Snooker was my go-to for years, while the snooker add on to Hustle Kings has scratched my potting itch more recently. Having taken a break since the last version on Wii, Snooker 19 sees the return of official licensed tournaments and player likenesses, with new developers Lab42 aiming to offer a truly authentic snooker experience. Lab 42 have clearly put a great deal of passion into this project, and are to be commended for the quality of the presentation. Graphically, the snooker itself looks photo realistic; indeed, at several points, my wife thought I was simply watching TV coverage of the World Championship when I was actually playing. That authenticity is helped a bit by having Eurosports’ commentary duo speaking in hushed tones over the match, but it’s a bit of a shame that the more iconic voices of BBC coverage aren’t involved. Every ranked player in the world is available to select or challenge and the in-game likenesses are all pretty good. Unfortunately, the illusion is shattered somewhat when they move in a rather under-animated and robotic fashion. This isn’t a big deal since most of th
Source: Breaking News

Source: Breaking News
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