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Mob Monday Preview: It’s Over! Or is it?!

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It seems like it was only a few short weeks ago that we were starting these previews, but now we’re at the very last episode of the season. Personally, I’m not ready for Mob Mondays to end, but if they have to end, then this is the way I want them to go out! This battle seems like it’s going to really show off the amazing animation skills BONES has been puttin on display this entire season, and I’m also excited to see this character arc of Mob’s growth come to an end. Toichiro sure seems quite powerful in comparison to Mob, but as we’ve learned throughout the entire series, underestimate Mob at your own peril! Like most things in this show, however, the focus is never truly on the battle, but the people involved, so it will be interesting to see if Toichiro really is as cold and careless as he tries to appear, or if there’s something else going on there that Mob will try and force him to recognize. Mob’s been through a heck of a lot this season, and each encounter has left him a stronger person, so if anyone can teach Claw’s leader a lesson, it’s Mob!

everyone waits in anticipation

The preview doesn’t give us a lot to work with, meaning that we’re probably in store for some stunning animation, but what we do get to see is the rest of Mob’s group watching from the ground below. Although they can’t directly help him, it will be interesting to see how these characters react to Mob’s fight with Toichiro, especially Reigen, Dimple, and Ritsu. Everyone has pooled together to bring Claw to justice for its actions, but only Mob can really make any difference against Toichiro, but what will Mob be able to do in the end? In almost every previous fight with Claw members, other people were responsible for bringing the fight to a close (even Mogami!), and there are some questions about whether Mob really wants to actually fight people who want to do nothing but harm others. When he needs to, Mob can certainly get the job done, but how will he handle Toichiro? In the last episode he seemed to indicate that he would have no choice but to get physical with Toichiro, but Mob better be careful that he doesn’t pull any cheap tricks to fool him!    

final boss fight

One of the most interesting revelations from the last episode is that Toichiro and Mob share the same power, or at least, share one specific power: the ability to absorb and also share psychic energy. This might explain how Mob’s aura seemed to keep growing this season, with the last few episodes really displaying how radiant he really is with power. But how will that come into play against Toichiro? If he really has stored power for 20 years, Toichiro would be extremely powerful, but will Mob be able to drain that power away… or will the opposite be true? Although we’ve seen a lot of various esper powers during the series, this is the first mention of someone being able to give/take powers from other people. This also begs the question about whether Mob has been doing this the entire time with people like Ritsu or even Reigen, maybe even unconsciously! Of course, Toichiro would likely be the one to try and prey on Mob’s powers, but the unknowable quantity of Power that Mob has at 100% (and, if it gets that bad, ???%) might be more than Toichiro can even attempt to handle, meaning that Mob might truly have an incredibly easy time taking down this “boss fight” after all! 

what lies beyond

However, there are a few things that seem to remain unanswered as this season comes to a close. Whatever became of the Psycho Helmet Cult? We last saw them getting a massive donation following the Mogami arc, and they even seemed to appear after Reigen’s press conference disaster, but we never truly got any real answer about what they’re up to or planning to do. Mob also never got to talk to Tsubomi like he planned either, so what will become of that? It really seems like we’re gearing up for maybe another season of Mob Psycho 100 in the near future, as there are just too many questions left without resolution, and this series has always managed to tie up loose ends! It seems obvious that Mob will overcome Claw and Toichiro, but what happens to him next? Are there even any other threats out there that could truly stand up to someone like Mob? And, let’s not forget Mob’s emotional journey over this season; we started it with him in somewhat of a turmoil about his feelings, and we’ve seen him grow into a stronger, more independent and emotionally honest person who simply wants to be kind to others. Mob has friends, he has connections, and of course he has powers, but those have never really mattered to him; instead, Mob has always viewed his connections to others as the most valuable thing he could have. So, as this fight with Toichiro draws to a close, what type of connections will Mob have for the future? It is pretty exciting to think about where those details might take us next… I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!

fight on, mob!

And with that, we are at the end of our last preview. It feels a little sad to say goodbye to you all for now, but don’t worry! Even if there’s no more Mob Psycho 100 in our future (for now!), we can always look back on this season and enjoy the amazing spectacle we’ve been treated to. Mob Psycho 100 II gave us some amazing animation, and even more important, some of the most pure and emotional sequences in recent anime. So with that being said, what were your favorite moments? I have to admit that a personal favorite of mine was in the last episode, where Mob recalled all of his friends and connections… including Mogami! It was a moment that really felt like it tied everything so far together: Mob doesn’t judge other people and wants to truly help others, and doesn’t see people as good or bad. Whatever your favorite moments were, hopefully you enjoyed the ride as much as I did. And, maybe someday soon, we can start a Mob Psycho 100 III preview series. Until then, enjoy the finale everyone!

How’d you feel about Mob Psycho 100 II episode 12? What were your favorite Mob Psycho 100 II moments? How are you going to cope without Mob Mondays anymore?! Let us know in the comments!

Haven't seen Mob Psycho 100 yet? What are you waiting for?!

> Watch Mob Psycho 100 today! 


Nicole is a features and a social video script writer for Crunchyroll. Known for punching dudes in Yakuza games on her Twitch channel while professing her love for Majima. She also has a blog, Figuratively Speaking. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries


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