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An amazing app for taking attendance

I found an incredible app for taking attendance in the classroom. The name is "Fast Attendance". It is based on a simple idea. The Faculty member creates and attendance sheet for a specific day. The app will generate a unique code for that day. The faculty member then gives his/her students the code and ask them to submit it. When the student submits the code he is marked present. This is the main idea.

The app also has many features like:
1- Faculty members & their students can exchange private messages with each other.
2- Faculty members can send broadcast notifications to all students in his/her course.
3- Faculty member can create a chat group for his/her course where all students of the course can chat.
4- Faculty member can send warnings for a student if he/she exceeded the limit.
5- Students can send excuses for the days they were absent & then the faculty member can decide on whether to accept or reject the excuse.
6- Faculty members can view attendance summary and send it by email.

Now I leave you with the app. Here is a link to the app in the app store:

Good Luck
